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iptk::Image Member List

This is the complete list of members for iptk::Image, including all inherited members.

getBlue(const gutk::Point &p)iptk::Image
getBlue(int n, int m)iptk::Image
getGreen(const gutk::Point &p)iptk::Image
getGreen(int n, int m)iptk::Image
getHistogram(ColourLayer layer)iptk::Image
getIntensity(const gutk::Point &p)iptk::Image
getIntensity(int n, int m)iptk::Image
getMaxPixel(ColourLayer layer, gutk::Point &p, double &val)iptk::Image
getMinPixel(ColourLayer layer, gutk::Point &p, double &val)iptk::Image
getRed(const gutk::Point &p)iptk::Image
getRed(int n, int m)iptk::Image
Image(int width, int height, BitDepth bd)iptk::Image
Image(const Image &im)iptk::Image
loadFile(const char *fileName)iptk::Image [virtual]
operator=(const Image &im)iptk::Image [virtual]
saveFile(const char *fileName)iptk::Image [virtual]
setBlue(const gutk::Point &p, const double v)iptk::Image
setBlue(int n, int m, const double v)iptk::Image
setGreen(const gutk::Point &p, const double v)iptk::Image
setGreen(int n, int m, const double v)iptk::Image
setIntensity(const gutk::Point &p, const double v)iptk::Image
setIntensity(int n, int m, const double v)iptk::Image
setRed(const gutk::Point &p, const double v)iptk::Image
setRed(int n, int m, const double v)iptk::Image
~Image()iptk::Image [virtual]

Generated on Mon Nov 22 11:12:42 2004 for ImprolaLib by doxygen 1.3.7